Absolute and relitive dating

Posted by / 10-May-2020 17:10

For each dating or chronological method there is a link in the box at right to take you to that section of this page.

William "Strata" Smith, a civil engineer and surveyor, was well acquainted with areas in southern England where "limestone and shales are layered like slices of bread and butter." His hobby of collecting and cataloging fossil shells from these rocks led to the discovery that certain layers contained fossils unlike those in other layers.Because of the distortions and lies spread by fundamentalists about scientific dating there is a need for a centralized source of information on the topic.A few examples of such lies are presented at the very bottom of this page.The Carbon14 technique has been and continues to be applied and used in many, many different fields including hydrology, atmospheric science, oceanography, geology, palaeoclimatology, archaeology and biomedicine. Isochron methods avoid the problems which can potentially result during radiometric testing.Be sure to see An Animated Isochron Diagram, or, Watching a Rock Age on an Isochron Diagram. Radiometric Dating from The Evolution Evidence Page.

However, human beings love to see factual precision, and we want to know how old something is.

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