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Posted by / 16-Apr-2020 03:24

Like so many giant predators (~48 feet, 8-13 tons, the biggest head of any Theropod) it apparently arose in response to the existence of giant prey animals. A Sauropod, it would have lived in herds and been too large for a lone Giganotosaurus. In order to properly proceed with a successful hunt the Carnegie Giganotosaurus requires a body, legs and arms (as well as tail) to get that rather magnificent head to the feast.

The Giganotosaurus lived in what is now South America.'s Carnegie Giganotosaurus has a much wider variety of potential prey than did the old Cretaceous version. If they have any problem at all it may be one of too many choices....The Carnegie Giganotosaurus Sometimes a toy, in this case a Dinosaur Toy, comes along that is just so arresting in every way that you fall in love.Move to a small South Seas Island and fawn over it for the rest of your life. The 2007 Carnegie Collection (opens new window) Giganotosaurus comes real close.This figure goes very well with the 2006 Carnegie Diplodocus as both are quite colorful characters.One very nice aspect of these being hand-painted (I can hardly imagine that each and every Dinosaur figure is actually hand-painted by a human being somewhere in the bowels of China.

The upper figure was seen earlier in the hot water bath and the lower one is how they come off the line.

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