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****************************************************************************************************************************************** NOW HEAR THIS: ****************************************************************************************************************************************** The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on Dec.30,2015, filed an opposition motion to an emergency lawsuit lodged against it Dec 22 over TSA’s new policy requiring body scans at airport security check points.****************************************************************************************************************************************** A lawsuit petitioner, known as "Sai" filed his reply to TSA’s opposition, contesting TSA’s arguments that the petition should fail on Constitutional grounds and/or because Sai "lacks standing." As the court clerks were unable to inform Sai when a decision might issue, until then, he is "twisting in the wind." ****************************************************************************************************************************************** The word,"sai" ordinarily refers to a traditional Okinawan martial arts weapon.It is NOT to be confused with "Om Sai Ram" a possibly Hare Krishna figure or possibly a Hindu figure.****************************************************************************************************************************************** Sai, who is a digital rights activist, when he filed the lawsuit, asked the court to order TSA to immediately stop requiring body scans, and to reinstate its prior policy of permitting passengers to opt to have a pat-down security checks instead of a body scan, at the passenger’s discretion.It basically is a pointed, prong shaped metal baton, with two curved prongs.In appearance it resembles a TRIDENT with curved outer prongs and a long sword-like center prong that is neither pointed nor sharpened but blunt.
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****************************************************************************************************************************************** Persons flying back from "overseas" MAY be requested to turn on a phone showing it is working order AND no phones without batteries will be allowed.