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FCN has seen it all, whether you're looking for a sci-fi sexual fantasy to some plain old dirty sex chat, you will find the right partner or partners for whatever your sexual desires may be.
This chat room contains sexual content, so you must be 18 to chat here.
Just because our husbands aren’t deployed doesn’t mean they are available….which brings me back to number four.
Everything’s going great, system is working well, and then, one of your children remembers he hasn’t seen his dad in two weeks. Yes, we knew what we signed up for when we got married. So we take kids to school concerts, sports games and put them to bed at night. Update: This essay has been republished on Scary Mommy as well as
Give our anonymous chat room a try - we have both 1 on 1 and group support options.
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Don’t ask us to make elaborate plans, take elaborate trips, or do something that you know is going to create stress. We are always getting up in the middle of the night-always taking the dog out-always getting up with the kids-changing every diaper-washing every dish-taking out every trash bag-making every meal tired. There’s not a lot of time to work on or even enjoy the marriage. But it’s all just a sad reminder that someone is missing. ” friends who ask in passing and never care for the answer, but true, sweet friends who will look us in the eye and say, “Really, how are you? We don’t necessarily need anything but someone to acknowledge how hard this life can be and that sometimes, we just need to talk. “Home” can mean not on deployment, but constantly traveling. Home can mean not traveling but working 14-hour days. We try various cute tricks: every day a Hershey’s Kiss from daddy, a calendar, or a countdown necklace.One of the great benefits of talking with a 7 Cups of Tea listener is that the conversation is an anonymous chat.You can chat with one of our listeners in confidence knowing that what is discussed will not be shared with anyone else.
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