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The Internet is profoundly transforming our culture and our world in ways similar to the introduction of the telephone 100 years ago.
In addition to its function as a source of information, the Internet, Smartphones, and i Pads have led a revolution in the delivery of sexual connection and sexual content.
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This type of therapy can help alleviate a crisis, set limits and structure around online activity, and restore life priorities and balance.• A couple’s sexual relationship suffers, not only because the addict spends so much time on the computer, but also because the spouse (and often the user) compares his or her body and sexual performance to that of the online men and women, and believes he or she can’t measure up.Often, the user loses interest in having sex with his or her partner.Spin-offs of cybersex activities are virtual world sex and sexual online affairs that progress to “real” or “offline” affairs.For most cybersex participants, the Internet provides a fascinating new venue for experiencing sex.
• Children may be exposed to pornography and sexual acts, which can have a devastating effect on their adult development.
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