Dads against daughters dating decal

Posted by / 24-Oct-2019 11:35

The surgeon came out and asked for the Fincher family. Last week I thought we had a phone number wrong in an ad, but it turns out the phone was just messed up for a day.It caused a little confusion, but former resident Barb Keltner got it straightened out for me and we discovered we hadnt actually made a mistake at all! I just realized that it was one year ago that you and Mike moved away. I get in my truck and rev the engine up a few times, put it in gear with my foot on the brake and gas and when I take off, I go as fast as I can... Before our busy season begins at the lake, Ronda and I have been itching to experience new things and take mini road trips on the weekends.His son, Brett Fincher, has been a life long friend.So, when he called saying he had been having some pain in his chest and was going in for a stress test, we all got pretty concerned about him. Last week, Brett underwent a heart cath at the Kansas Heart Hospital. It didnt change much for us at the paper, other than we have to mail the newspaper to subscribers on Tuesday.Its always hard for me to slow down and really get to appreciate Memorial Day. I regraded the roads and stopped frequently to give her a drink.Obviously scared of what this experience was going to be like, I offered up my experience with it and assured him that he was going to be just fine. Brett insisted that he was probably going to be all plugged up and needed several stents because of his genetics.Keep in mind, Brett works out hard every day and jokingly we call him a "thoroughbred." Ronda and I drove up last Wednesday for Bretts procedure. We caught up in the lobby and waited for news on Brett.

My go-to-guy (AKA: Mower man) Dave Gilbert, took a much needed vacation to Alaska for two weeks. I had burned up a wiring harness and rather than keep replacing the wire, we just replaced the entire service bulletin advisement for a kit that was to solve the problem once and for all. Saturday before: Graded all the roads and one hour later, we got 1" of rain.... Monday before: (less than one week to get it all done). The tractor kept overheating and then it wouldnt shift into 2nd gear. As it was getting dark, I realized that I had missed a dinner with friends in town.

Im so thankful that Bree and Ronda kept the office organized.

The main mower is fixed, now I had to run to Kingman to get it.

We walked to the line as she drove her car into position. Heres a girl who had not raced in almost three years, in a hotrod, racing guys...... They sort of compete with themselves and the other car in the lane next to them. The races arent just for "race cars" we saw several normal vehicles competing. Im pretty sure my truck was faster, but thats not what this sport is really about.

The lights lit up on the tree and when it hit green, Aubrey had gunned it. We saw Vetts, Camaros, Trucks and even motorcycles racing that day.

I appreciate all the things that Dave does and I would have been out there working whether he was here or not. Thats just how weeks before holiday weekends go in the summertime.

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