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The search for a spouse can be a difficult process for many men and women.
Singles utilize a range of support systems, including social events, online dating resources, traditional matchmakers (shadchanim) and choosing to reside in singles communities.A semi-structured interview schedule was designed to qualitatively capture the subjects’ range and depth of experience as single individuals.The interviews were analyzed separately as case studies and also compared and contrasted based on four major, common topic domains.Generally, an avoidance of the secular world is encouraged, and barriers are seen as critical to protecting against secular influences.Such individuals embrace a Hasidic philosophy, which includes a commitment to the emotional/spiritual element of Torah observance.
With these individuals, Torah learning, prayer, and careful adherence to fulfillment of Mitzvos are core elements to a life of intensive religious commitment and spiritual growth.
The pod adds 20g of weight – which is the same weight as a Kraft American Cheese Singles slice.
A romantic comedy about a man who doesn't want to get married and a woman who earnestly wants to get married.
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