Dating a woman 9 years older

Posted by / 05-Sep-2020 15:41

I tried to have casual dating partners a few times when I was in a lonely, cynical time in my life, and got involved with guys I definitely saw no real future with - just fun and companionship for the short term.

I also doubt given her age and prior marriage that my parents would be ok with it even though usually they go with what I like. Continue to see her or make it serious or just drop it?

If casual dating is all you want, and she's cool with that, then leave her free to date other men as well.

Make that very, very clear (that you two are NOT going to be exclusive). Like it's really a huggggggggggggggggggggggge problem, the end of the world kind of problems.

You can see this kind of story documented over and over on this forum.

The longer you draw this out, the more attached she's going to get and the more drama it's going to cause.

She's settling & secretly hoping you'll come around.

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