Dating and money issues

Posted by / 30-Jan-2020 22:18

We grow up in families where nobody talks about money. My family talked about money all the time." When I ask, "How did you talk?

" they reply, "My father worried about not having enough, and he yelled at my mother for spending too much."The fact remains that people do not grow up with educational or philosophic conversations about what money is and isn't, what it can and can't do.

Other people may have no problem with money individually; the trouble starts after they're in the relationship.I call it Mellan's Law: If opposites don't attract right off the bat, then they will create each other eventually. The United States is in fact a nation of overspenders.We live in a market economy and we are led to believe that we are good citizens to the degree that we go out and spend.I, for one, would not want to tell a date that I'm an overspender.Many individuals have a troubled relationship with money.

We can make extravagant gestures, buy meals out in fancy restaurants, give bouquets of flowers and enjoy weekends in luxury resorts.

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