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Posted by / 12-May-2020 10:05

She was transformed; words exist to describe what she became — pure anima, Kali, Leucothea, something erotic but not human, something addressed to the species and not to the individual, glittering with the possibility of cannibalism, madness, space, and extinction. Everything had been transformed into orgasm and visible, chattering oceans of elf language.

Then I saw that where our bodies were glued together there was flowing, out of her, over me, over the floor of the roof, flowing everywhere, some sort of obsidian liquid, something dark and glittering, with color and lights within it. I looked right into it, and it was the surface of my own mind reflected in front of me.

It’s a brave and rare thing to expose idiosyncratic and alienating personal truths. It captures the psychedelic experience in a way that has definitely never been written about in the history of humanity. It will remind you the world is strange and magical. I’ve culled these quotes down to give you a fair picture of the variety of things Mc Kenna thought about.

His ideas enlarge, add to, increase and create complexity. If you want more, I recommend reading one of his books or exploring the many hours of lectures online.

He passed away in 2000, but I wish he could have been here for the Oculus Rift.There is the issue of the Timewave Theory, where, combining historical events with the I Ching, he predicted the end of the world (or ‘beginning,’ somehow, it’s unclear) on December 21, 2012. And now, many others have taken Mc Kenna’s lead, manning their own expeditions into the psyche.There were ironic parties that night, and since the world didn’t end, maybe it was a premeditated jest to avoid becoming a cult figure, a seed of doubt for the devout. It’s lonely, probably, but he’s also free from our rote and dominant Western culture. I recommend experimenting; allow yourself a moment to wander through the elfish, “self-dribbling machine” land of Mc Kenna’s famous DMT description.Mc Kenna advocated for the “legalization of nature.” He thought it was dangerous to forbid access to any plant medicine.But he wasn’t ignorant of the addictive nature of heroin and cocaine, modern inventions that need regulation.

Or rather we had an experience that vaguely related to making love but was a thing unto itself.