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Even if you were not employed at will, violating your employer's policy would be sufficient "just cause" grounds for termination or discipline.
(However, if you live in a state with a law restricting an employer's ability to fire you for "lawful conduct outside of work," that law might offer some protection.
Generally, an employer can fire you for having a personal website or blog that it deems inappropriate, with very limited exceptions.
Additional information can also be found at the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Blogger's FAQ on Labor Law.This week, Chili’s parent company – Brinker International – announced that consumer credit and debit card information had been compromised at some locations. Trend Micro has always had a close relationship with law enforcement around the globe, because we believe that only together can we make the world a safer place in which to exchange digital information. However, do not simply believe that there are no viruses or adware found on the mac OS….As the business of cybercrime continues to grow and evolve, so must our response. This week marked National Teacher Appreciation Week here in the United States.And if you use your blog to communicate with your coworkers for the purpose of forming a union or otherwise banding together to oppose bad working conditions, you may be protected by labor laws which allow you to engage in concerted activity for "mutual aid and protection." See our site's retaliation for union activity page for more information.The protections listed above are fairly limited, so if you are concerned that your employer will retaliate against you for what you're saying, or you would just prefer to keep it private, the safest bet is to blog anonymously or to restrict access to your blog.
If you value your job and truly want to quit smoking, you may want to take advantage of these additional incentives, or you may want to look for a new job without such restrictive policies.
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