Dating skills podcast

Posted by / 01-Feb-2020 03:14

He Said, She Said Episode #7 Manwhore and Jessica discuss MW’s date that resulted in him getting laid, but ended with him ditching the girl because she began playing “pussy power” games.

We answer your questions about sex, dating, marriage, STDs, sex ed, and the trials and tribulations of life and love...along with a little celebrity gossip. Dr and e-mail us your questions at [email protected] call our 24/7 Listener Line at 213-261-7579. We're the dating coaches you know and love over at X & Y Communications. Speaking to you live from the beaches of Brazil, or the plains of America – every podcast is recorded face to face in the country we are in. It’s about the endless dance of seduction between men and women! It features the most inspiring and successful experts in the field of personal development, mixed with rants from Kevin Alexander about his personal journey through dating, answers to some of your most pressing questions, and even success stories from guys just like YOU on Nice Guy Nation.

In this interview, Camille talks about how to talk to men without compromising your femininity, every woman’s little-known secret communication weapon (and how to use it) and how to get what you want from men through strategic communication.

Wondering how to go from dating to a being in a relationship?

Author: Angel Donovan talks with Robert Greene, Geoffrey Miller, Mark Manson, Adam Lyons, John Gray, Robert Glover, David Wygant, Zan Perrion, Paul Janka and more on dating advice, sex and relationships, pickup artists, seduction and becoming a better man Angel Donovan, founder of the authority Dating Skills, runs a show dedicated to training you how to take your dating, sex, relationships, social and lifestyle skills to 'Mastery'.

Discover how to attract beautiful women, create healthy, sustainable (and fun) relationships, experience and give amazing sex to women and develop the lifestyle you've always wanted.

One thought on “dating skills podcast”

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