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The attributions within these books are not at all clear on this point, since the Gospel of John and 1 John are anonymous, 2 John and 3 John are letters from The Elder, and the Revelation is given to simply His servant John (Rev 1:1).
D., and even most conservative scholars dating at least Revelation around 95 A. Of course John the son of Zebedee, the disciple of Jesus, could not have lived long enough to write anything much into the second century, so in this case establishing a date of writing should first involve establishing that John was in fact the author.Only Rev 1:7 and John say Jesus was pierced." The picture of Christ as a lamb is also prominent in both books. John, who bore record of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw", could be read as saying that the author of this book previously wrote the gospel as well.Some scholars have argued for different authors for John and Revelation because of differences in how the Greek language is used in the two books.Although 1 John does not have an attribution of authorship, the author writes as an elder, addressing his readers as little children (1 John 2:1, , , , 4:4, ).Many of these themes in 1-3 John are also present in the Gospel of John.
Identifying the apostle as the author of all the Johannine writings pulls their date of writing into the first century A. However, the perspective that the Gospel of John and Revelation have on the city of Jerusalem pulls their dates earlier still, as discussed in the page on the destruction of Jerusalem.
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