Dating your friends mom

Posted by / 28-Oct-2020 14:20

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When your ex starts dating can often bring a flood of emotions especially if his new partner is a friend or former friend of yours and even worse if they were dating before you broke up.

Here’s what I’ve learned in the trenches: There is a certain about yoga pants that allows everyone to take a big sigh of relief, our butt included (everyone’s butt looks awesome in yoga pants.) Seeing you in the official mom uniform will remind your date that you’re just like her, you’re in it together, and there is no need to compete.

Unless of course you’re discussing the best brand of yoga pants at Target.

Now that you’re a mom, you’re facing something even more terrifying: mom dates.

A first-time mom date can be even more fraught with anxiety than a romantic date.


I know that she really loves spending time with this other little girl, they’re good friends, and I think on the one hand it’s nice because they can do things together.

While writing this, I found myself lamenting the fact that there’s not an official “Mommy Match Site,” but then I remembered that Facebook existed.

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There is nothing like meeting at one’s home to make them crazy-pants.

When a new mom-date is coming to your home, or vice versa, there will be immense stress sparked days in advance in regards to the GMO-full food that needs to be hidden, urine soaked bathroom mats that need to washed, and electronic toys that need to be stashed and replaced with the latest-and-greatest in developmentally appropriate wooden toys. If you get nervous and start rambling about the judegy-mom in your Wednesday baby-betterment class, your date will inevitably be the half-sister of judgey-mom’s best friend.

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