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Posted by / 06-Sep-2020 01:22

Solr is integral part of many of the e-commerce applications.

It powers the search and navigation features of many of the world’s largest internet sites such as Netflix, AOL, CNET, Zappos and many more.

But when you have a large catalog with more traffic that makes too many database queries, after some point you reaches to a limit beyond which you cannot support traffic without adding more infrastructure (a more capable server with very high CPU & RAM capacity).

Now imagine a system that is specifically designed to retrieve data blazingly fast yet allow you to store data with same flexibility & relationships as you have in traditional RDBMS like MSSQL. Apache Solr stores data in a single document kind of structure so it doesn’t need to make joins every time data is retrieved.

This slowdown is not noticeable for low traffic sites.

If the MILF dating site is immediately blasting you with adds they are not making any money from the actual dating business. We first registered for our review about a week before writing this article.

We always like to see what happens a few days after registering on a site to see just how sleazy their marketing is. In the period of about a week we had ten women add us as “friends” on the site.

Hence, with , we are adding a new component into nop Commerce architecture.

So instead of making queries to the database, your store will be making queries to the Apache Solr which doesn’t slow down your store, and utilizes lesser RAM & CPU which make your nop Commerce store more reliable and gives you more room to scale.

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