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this is not taco bell and your not ordering a taco. leaving little or no hope; very serious or dangerous: a desperate illness.4. She'd approach him and say, "I live entirely on french fries! But I will lick your boot and worship you every day if you pay attention to me!
extremely bad; intolerable or shocking: clothes in desperate taste.5.
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Have you ever not dated someone because they sound desperate? Is it just someone who is so tired of being alone that they are willing to lower their standards?
If you just want to feel good you just grab a bag of cheeto's and veg out. Otherwise all you are doing is playing mental games with yourself in order to feel justified in exhibiting bad behavior towards others.
Even if you look good and have a very dazzling profile, but act desperate, then there are lots of chances of getting discarded by people you like to approach.
They're desperate for the validating feelings, or the idea of the relationship, but they have no idea who you are outside of the basics and what they are getting from you. They are so tired of the negative feelings associated with being alone they start doing things to work against those negative feelings and get a positive high. If you are health conscious you know where the chicken and vegetables you have for dinner come from.
They don't really pay attention to what they are doing so much as how they are feeling.i.e. Not just the store, but how they were raised, what nutrition they have. The only standards you have to lower are those you can't live up to yourself.
This lady thinks that a pair of rubber gloves make a seductive accessory (left) and (right) a swordsman displays his softer side, and an array of weaponry, in an attempt to woo an impressed other half This Russian gentleman (left) hopes that showing how flexible he is in a children's playground will make a potential partner swoon.
It is a myth that online dating is just for desperate singles and people who are not serious or very good-looking.
That’s right, I’m talking about those apps that you might have hidden on your phone that you don’t want your friends or family to know that you secretly use.