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We don‘t keep the data for ourselves and we don‘t sell it to third-parties.
To protect your privacy, your credit card statement will never show the name of our website.
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This is an approach we are working hard to maintain on our site.
Hint: Putting the Name of the Person your Searching for in Quotes: "Persons Name" will insure that both the first & last name are together in the results, and reduce the number of undesired results returned from your search.
At Sugar Daters®, we give our members a safe dating universe, where they can meet like-minded people.
As a member, you decide how much information you want to share about yourself.
To look up a member by name, please provide their username in the box below.
Partial usernames are OK, so entering 'joe' will find all members with 'joe' in their usernames.
Sugar Daters® is a serious dating site, especially targeted at those, who are searching for a beneficial relationship, i.e.
Additionally, we provide step-by-step guides on how you can use each website on our list to get the most out of them.
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