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Posted by / 20-May-2020 22:13

They may not always get what M18 means—it’s March 18, the date the company was founded—but real estate giants like Extell, Vornado and Silverstein know Michael Tavani’s agency as the go-to for commercial and residential projects in the Big Apple and, increasingly, around the world.

Hotels, its original client base, still bed down with M18 in droves.

Edelman’s been muscling into hedge funds, with gorilla-sized “alternative investment” clients like Citadel, Highbridge and AQR.

But a report this year accused the firm of “painting a greener image” for some of the world’s biggest polluters.

Its digital arm set off sparks for clients as wide-ranging as L’Oreal, Taraji P. Its DKC/O M entertainment division reps Andrew Lloyd Webber, Second City and hot Broadway tickets like Naomi Campbell to ex-California first lady Maria Shriver to agitpop screamers Prophets of Rage.

Its new DKC Analytics unit—led by former Obama campaign digital strategists—is bringing hardcore data analytics to microtarget audiences.

There are some highly intelligent people who are transgender and transsexual and none to my knowledge suffer from mental illness.

If anything they have suffered and tolerated dysphoria to a degree many people would find unbearable.

Other firms may handle more deals, but no one brings the brains like Kekst, whose finesse with fiendishly complex deals continues to reel in massive assignments.

This year alone saw Dupont’s “merger of equals” with Dow, Dell’s historic acquisition of EMC and YUM Brands’ exit from China.

Martha Stewart, Drew Barrymore and Lionel Richie remain Magrino BFFs for their own brands and businesses.