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Posted by / 13-Sep-2019 09:05

Indeed, it causes songs to sound distorted and become unpleasant to listen to, and strips them of their depth and texture. When you collect vinyl, you’re not just buying music.

Because vinyl is an analog format, it’s doesn’t really suffer from the same problems. Check out this comparison between the CD version of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ that particular MP3. You’re making an investment you can sell on a rainy day, or even pass down to your children.

The playlists of AVRO Baroque also contains genres like pop, rap, rock, hip-hop, trance, electro house, country, soft etc.

So, be with Antena Zagreb and get entertained 24/7. Antena Hit broadcasts to the regions 24 hours a day, 12 months of the year.

It’s a vastly more social experience than any app or online marketplace could ever be. You’re still not getting the full picture of that track. There’s another, much more important, reason why vinyl is better than anything else.

Vinyl, for the most part, escaped the ‘loudness war’.

You can read his blog at and follow him on twitter at @matthewhughes.

* station URL is not url to radios website with online translation, it is stream URL, wich you can be opened with any audioplayer, such is vlc, wmp, aimp etc. As exceptions can be added only federal radio station with news. La mezcla de pop, rock, tops de ventas y grandes éxitos asegura a la emisora una gran comunidad de fans. Una programación con los éxitos más importantes de las últimas décadas.

They don’t listen to airy, saccharine, Top 40 guff with synthesized instruments.

People who listen to vinyl tend to be quite discerning with what they listen to.

Norddeutscher Rundfunk is a public radio and television broadcaster, based in Hamburg.

In addition to the city-state of Hamburg, NDR transmits for the German states of Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein.