Im a hottie in online dating

Posted by / 27-Jun-2020 04:51

Some women do only want a guy who has it all, but most women are way easier to pick up than they make themselves out to be. Before I discovered what I now teach here at The Modern Man, I was going through life assuming that beautiful women couldn’t like me because I wasn’t good looking enough. When I interacted with beautiful women, NOTHING that I was saying and doing was making them feel any attraction because all I was doing was talking to them in a nice, friendly way and expecting to be LIKED for it.

I didn’t even know how to attract women and thought that if I wore good enough clothes, styled my hair right and show them how good of a guy I was, they would like me and give me a chance. No one had ever told me that we men need to ACTIVELY make women feel attracted to us based on what we are saying and doing during an interaction.

Beautiful women still weren’t the slightest bit interested in me.

While watching TV, I would always see female hosts on shows like Entertainment Tonight and E!

Some examples are confidence, charisma, charm and humor). We can look at a woman and within seconds, we can decide “Yes” or “No” about whether or not we’d bang her.

This is because our attraction for women is mostly based on physical appearance, which is why men masturbate over women in porn. Her appearance is enough for us to be willing to have sex wit her…at least once anyway.

Yet, for most women (not all), a man’s appearance is not the deciding factor for sex. How his personality and behavior makes her feel when she interacts with him.

For example: Does his vibe and conversation style turn her on, or does it make her feel awkward and bored? No man is compatible with every woman that he meets and no woman is compatible with every guy that she meets. Whether you are a good looking guy, average looking, below average looking or even ugly, what you need to understand is that you really can make women feel attracted to you for ways OTHER than looks.

If you don’t know how to do those things, I am here to teach you.

News talking about how handsome a guy looked because of his clothes, shoes and haircut, so I assumed that I didn’t have the right clothes and that my looks still needed to be improved.

I was just another brainwashed modern man who thought he was right, but had no idea how wrong he was.

In the peacock bird species, the female is a bland looking bird and the male is the pretty, colorful one.

He gets selected based on how colorful and pretty he is.

humor, charisma, charm, confidence, etc), she actually starts to look at his physical appearance in a positive light.

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