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This was something that I was no stranger to with white men — although I still found it shocking to be in a place as culturally open as NYC and still only want to date someone your own race — but I was shocked to see that black men were not always open to dating black women.Even when I felt I had passed the racial preference test, there were times where I would get down to the "you should message me if" profile section and see that someone actually went out of their way to specify what TYPE of black girl they would date.Since I opened my eyes to colorism that constantly surrounds me, I've learned these five truths.
I didn't want to date someone who could blindly make a declaration of their racial preferences on the Internet or in private. But even though I was no longer online dating, the observations I made in that forum stuck.I may have thought the envy I felt would stop when I moved to New York City.But, though colorism is one of the worst types of discrimination, it in itself does not discriminate.I joined an online dating site because I liked the idea of a digital dating agent working on my romantic life while I was at work.I had never been too shy to make the first move and, since there is nothing to lose with online dating, I wasn't shy about messaging more boys more often. But then I began reading beyond the funny "what people notice first about you" blurbs.
It exists everywhere, in all cultures, and in all races.
However, there are still restrictions in some states about the type of sexual activity that is permissible, such as oral sex and sodomy, as well as restrictions on relationships involving a minor and a person of authority, including teachers, coaches, or tutors.