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Posted by / 15-Sep-2020 09:05

In 2009, however, she said that she had abandoned her plans to open such a brothel due to wishing to avoid having to "deal with all the nonsense in the sex business" and preferring to focus on renewable energy which would be "perfect for Nevada..that's the wave of the future." On December 11, 2009, the Nevada State Board of Health unanimously agreed to add urethral examinations to the guidelines, thus allowing male sex workers to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.Incorporated towns and cities in counties that allow prostitution may regulate the trade further or prohibit it altogether.Nevada law requires that registered brothel prostitutes be tested weekly (by a cervical specimen) for gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis, and monthly for HIV and syphilis; furthermore, condoms are mandatory for all oral sex and sexual intercourse.Brothel owners may be held liable if customers become infected with HIV after a prostitute has tested positive for the virus. FN#14 In June 2009, then-Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons signed the most stringent punishments nationwide for child prostitution and pandering.

When this order was lifted in 1948, Reno officials tried to shut down a brothel as a public nuisance; this action was upheld by the Nevada Supreme Court in 1949.In another case, brothel owners in Lincoln County protested when the county outlawed prostitution in 1978, having issued licenses for seven years.The Nevada Supreme Court ruled, however, that the county had the right to do so.A state law prohibiting the advertising of brothels in counties which have outlawed prostitution was enacted in 1979.It was promptly challenged on First Amendment grounds, but in 1981, the Nevada Supreme Court declared it to be constitutional.

In 2005, brothel owners lobbied to be taxed in order to increase the legitimacy of the business, but the legislature declined.

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