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Research historic data Often it is important to understand the actions on a bill over time.Each bill is connected to past actions in the field "bill history." In addtion, the allows you to browse the legislative history - you can use the LRS portal as a research tool to see how the history of a bill evolves.Continuously monitor developments on issues that interest you The tool "My Monitors" allows you to set up filters that alert you of legislative activities.
The navigation options "Today's Bills: House" or "Today's Bills: Senate" and "Actions on Bills" offer an up-to-date overview for the current day in each chamber of the General Assembly.Find and track bills that affect you The LRS Search Feature "Site Search" allows you to locate bills and bill summaries by number, bill sponsor, keyword, category, or any term in the bill's text.Search results can be resorted by date, relevancy, title, and type.The Daily Bulletin is edited for online release at the end of each day the General Assembly is in session.It offers timely and accurate information about the actions of the North Carolina General Assembly.
These bills get saved in the individual lists "My Bills", and "My Bills: Summaries." These personalized overviews offer access at a glance to the most recent action by the General Assembly.