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As a New Zealander I’m aware that NZ has a lot of bad stats too.
In fact it was while looking into NZ heath stats that I decided to post this page.
66 percent of all Americans are considered to be overweight. Americans watch 4 hours and 42 minutes of television PER DAY on average In 2011, the US trade deficit with China was more than 49,000 times larger than it was in 1985.
The United States puts a higher percentage of its population in prison than any other nation on earth does. The United States has a teen pregnancy rate of 22 percent – the highest in the world. There are more unemployed workers in the United States than there are people living in the entire nation of Greece.
Our services range from: - House cleaning - Laundry Services (Dry Cleaning) - Grocery Shopping - Cooking (Meal Prep) - Personal Driving Services ...
The sale is on Saturday, May 12th from 7am until 12noon. It is a family friendly event, with over 40 vendors. Great Investment/Immigration/Work&Live; Opportunity.30 Minutes Off Ottawa. Great For Spiritual/Joya/Wellness Camps Or Retreats. Main Building Is A Tudor Style Two Story Home Of 8000 Sqf , Has 10 Bedrooms W/Wr. Depending on model, Bach - 5; 1 Bd- 95 2 Bd - 65. Carefully constructed to suit its unique location and views.
Licensed Kitchen, Licenced Lcbo Restaurant, Conference Room(Seats 30), Solarium And A... Beautiful deeded waterfront access to the Gatineau river steps from the front door.
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Pick any year since 1776 and there is a 91% chance that America was involved in a war during that year. adults are working in jobs that pay poverty-level wages.