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Posted by / 07-Nov-2019 00:15

A 1777 illustration (below) depicts the "Method of punishing the Idle in the Poor House at Hamburgh [Germany], by suspending them in a Basket over the table where the more Industrious are at their Meals." Hamburg Poor House, 1777. Stockholm's Dihlstrom workhouse had 414 inmates in 1863. Norway had a women's workhouse (the Manufakturhuset) in Bergen. Most of the (incomplete) movements are from The Times archives, for which I am grateful.Dates reported in the press included "planned", "due", arrived and departed.Taken from our quarterdeck showing all riverside coolies tying up their boats during the middle of the afternoon A view of the front Hankow I took from the bridge with the stand camera last Sunday.The tall building is the National City Bank of New York.Denmark, too, had workhouses — for example, the Vieb'ltegaard in Svendborg which now houses a maritime archive was formerly the town's workhouse.

In their advance, his troops seized foreign property, especially British and American, and routed the war lords.However, the general movements of DURBAN can be followed in outline.Start of the General Strike when the Cantonese (the Southern Nationalists) captured Shanghai.China gained little profit or prestige from entering World War 1 as an ally.A few Chinese turned to the new Soviet Union for help and in 1921 formed the Chinese Communist Party.

Calamity Jane in the Gallatin County Poorhouse, 1901.

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