Review speed dating london dating in your 30 s

Posted by / 05-Aug-2020 03:52

6) You'll expand your horizons - It's amazing the number of people attending speed dating events in London who tell me how attracted they were to someone they would never normally consider.

Speed dating is the perfect antidote to our own inbuilt prejudices that may just be preventing us from being, dare I say, happy?

We're quite happy to be put to the test on this claim.

We hope to see you at an Original Dating event very soon.

So the event was then short 6 guys, and so a handful of women have to sit there awkwardly twiddling their thumbs until the next chap appears.

With two of us missing, it would've done the event a favour and offered more of a fair playing ground. Maybe it would've been a different situation if I were a chap or Peter were a woman...

Try going into a bar on your own for an entire evening and tell me you don't think people consider you a bit of a weirdo.

Thanks Peter, for a whole eve of unwanted awkwardness - ruining the experience for myself and the chaps I got to speak to.

4) It's safer than online dating - Meeting up with a stranger who you only know by their online profile has its obvious risks.

Speed dating allows you to meet people face to face and assess their suitability before committing to anything more serious.

8) London is notoriously cliquey - I don't mean snobbish but people in London tend to go out in groups.

Group dynamics are very difficult to assess - it requires a particular type of personality to front up to a group of strangers as a complete outsider.

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