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Maxim #43: In their sexual primes women’s attraction for assholes is at its strongest.You can catch a lot of hungry flies with honey, but shit attracts the most well-fed flies.- Surfed Roissy’s Maxims Maxim #1a: Women desire men of better quality than themselves. Maxim #11: Calling a girl out on her lie accomplishes nothing.Maxim #2: Women are turned on by displays of male power. Maxim #12: When the love is gone, women can be as cold as if they had never known you. Maxim #14: Female cultural equality = male dating inequality. Human nature says that you can‘t have it both ways. There is no greater divergence than that between a woman’s stated disapproval of male narcissism and the rapidity with which she jumps into bed with a male narcissist.It violates the natural order of things, and leaves its practitioners emotionally twisted and in a constant mental race to hyper-rationalize their sub-par mate choice.Maxim #50: Marriage is no escape from the sexual market and the possibility that you may be outbid by a competitor with higher value.Maxim #31: If you plan on cheating and subsequently get caught, act like a total dick who did nothing wrong.
In the comment thread, "Surfed" did something I've always meant to do but never actually got around to...compiling all of Roissy's maxims into one location. Maxim #7: Your girl will thank you for your steadfast devotion to your belief in yourself. It helps kick the legs out from under the pedestal you will be tempted to put her on, and it is more often than not true.
Maxim #46: Whenever you hear or read the words “gender”, “gendered”, “gendered norm”, “subtle gender bias”, or “increasingly egalitarian, yet there remains…” know that you are dealing with a leftwing moonbat, blank-slate believing fruitcake who cannot deal with the fact that men and women are biologically different from birth.
Maxim #47: Awareness of a woman’s games is a precision-guided weapon in a man’s arsenal of seduction. Maxim #49: The rare older woman-younger man pairing is like a lab experiment gone wrong.
He understands his adversary’s psychology, and uses it to allay her defenses.
Maxim #18: Never talk about getting into a relationship even if she says that’s what she’s looking for.
Maxim #3: Whenever an attractive girl tells you she hates assholes, or describes her experience in the past dating assholes and claims to avoid them now, or recites a laundry list of asshole-y things guys do that she disapproves of, you can bet your weight in gold bricks that she wants you to be an asshole to her. Maxim #16: The two fundamental propositions are male choosiness and female abundance. Corollary: Male choosiness and female abundance do not necessarily have to be true for the strategy of behaving as if they are true to be effective at seduction.
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