Rotc rules on dating
Are some branches of the military easier than other branches? I promise you, I'm not the only vet to see kids like this as a part of ROTC past freshman year either.
All military personnel share the responsibility for maintaining professional relationships. However, in any relationship between Soldiers of different grade or rank, the senior member is generally in the best position to terminate or limit the extent of the relationship.
This spectacle was considered one of the most intense band formations done on the field at West Point.In 1929, the Military Department, along with the School of Music, entered into a new agreement to bring the Marching Band under control of the School of Music, which would provide faculty, while the Military Department limited membership to cadets, who also received military instruction along with playing and marching.The band was so popular in 1929 that the entire 100 piece block band was composed of upperclassmen. Weigel the idea to create two additional bands, the Infantry Regimental Band and the Artillery Regimental Band, which would provide training to underclassmen until they were able to try out for the Marching Band.Cadets in the band could continue to try out and participate in band, but they would no longer receive ROTC credit.Once the Marching Band separated from ROTC control, the band was more free to experiment with show themes and music genres, culminating in the band's 1965 performance of "Hang On, Sloopy! After the extremely positive response for "Sloopy", the band decided to venture into more modern and topical styles of music.