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Posted by / 24-Nov-2019 05:55

This question was put to the John Mueller, the company’s employee during the last video conference with webmasters.The question was: "When you mention Google's quality algorithm, how many algorithms do you use?Scotland enjoying tourism boom as three out of top four UK cities ...

In the future, you can use the information to create your website, blog or to start an advertising company. Oct 08/2017 How many search quality algorithms does Google use?The question to Mueller was the following: "Some time ago we sent a report on a spam, but still have not seen any changes. " The answer was: No, we do not check all spam reports manually." Later Mueller added: "We are trying to determine which reports about spam have the greatest impact, it is on them that we focus our attention and it is their anti-spam team that checks manually, processes and, if necessary, applies manual sanctions.Therefore, we do not see the full benefits of scanning HTTP / 2.But with more websites implementing push notification feature, Googlebot developers are on the point of adding support for HTTP in future.” It should be recalled that in April 2016, John Mueller said that the use of the HTTP / 2 protocol on the website does not directly affect the ranking in Google, but it improves the experience of users due to faster loading speed of the pages.

In general, the difficult part is that Googlebot is not a browser, so it does not get the same speed effects that are observed within a browser when implementing HTTP / 2.

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