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Posted by / 03-Dec-2019 05:47

There were ironic parties that night, and since the world didn’t end, maybe it was a premeditated jest to avoid becoming a cult figure, a seed of doubt for the devout. It’s lonely, probably, but he’s also free from our rote and dominant Western culture. I recommend experimenting; allow yourself a moment to wander through the elfish, “self-dribbling machine” land of Mc Kenna’s famous DMT description.It’s a brave and rare thing to expose idiosyncratic and alienating personal truths. It captures the psychedelic experience in a way that has definitely never been written about in the history of humanity. It will remind you the world is strange and magical. I’ve culled these quotes down to give you a fair picture of the variety of things Mc Kenna thought about.Their authenticity lies in their ability to obey and follow mass style changes that are conveyed through the media.” “I believe that the failure of our civilization to come to terms with the issue of drugs and habitual destructive behavior is a legacy of unhappiness for us all.But if we sufficiently reconstructed our image of self and world, we could make out of psychopharmacology the stuff of our grandest hopes and dreams.” On DMT “Under the influence of DMT, the world becomes an Arabian labyrinth, a palace, a more than possible Martian jewel, vast with motifs that flood the gaping mind with complex and wordless awe.” “The extraordinary ease with which DMT utterly destroys all boundaries and conveys one into an impossible-to-anticipate and compellingly Other dimension is one of the miracles of life itself.

And, indeed, this image, sickeningly Orwellian, applies to the mass of human beings now living in the high-tech industrial democracies.But he wasn’t ignorant of the addictive nature of heroin and cocaine, modern inventions that need regulation.Of the few psychedelic thinkers whose strange ideas breached the bland guard of the mainstream, Mc Kenna’s facility with language sets him apart.Because of its subliminally psychedelic effect, cannabis, when pursued as a lifestyle, places a person in intuitive contact with less goal-oriented and less competitive behavior patterns.For these reasons marijuana is unwelcome in the modern office environment, while a drug such as coffee, which reinforces the values of industrial culture, is both welcomed and encouraged.

Cannabis use is correctly sensed as heretical and deeply disloyal to the values of male dominance and stratified hierarchy.