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That the importer certifies as to the volimie of r^tural gas products contained. ..., 2229 40 CFR 52I _ _ ^ 2231 60 (2 documents) ^ 2232. Such itural gas products may be commingled ith crude oil or other unfinished oils f^r purposes of transportation and may reseparated prior to importation or ittiported as a mixture; Provided. (7) License fees payable for Imports oil finished products or unfinished oils, ufactured In American Samoa, Gtiam or the Virgin Islands or in a for- eign trade zone and transported to the customs territory of the United States bf overland means or by vessel or ves- sis linder United States registry, shall b4 at the rate applicable to the feed- sti)ck from which such finished product unfinished oil was manufactured: rovided. Such certifica- tion shall be subject to the provisions 18 U. A^cense shall be considered to be Issued for purposes of this Part on the date the h^ense is signed by the Director. 7 ATTENTION: Questions, corrections be made by dialing 202-523-5286. 2232 Frimary coppei\ zinc and lead smelters 2331 Products that contain recycled material; guidelines for pro- curement 2356 Proposed Rules Air quality: Control of air pollution from new motor vehicles and en- gines 22*4 Approval Eind promulgation of im- plementatton plans : Vermont 2263 Resource recovery facilities; solid waste management guidelines.. t O— THURSDAY, JANUARY IS, 1976 Ui ' Meetings : State-Federal FIFRA Imple- mentation Advisory Commit- tee Working Group on Certi- fication 2274 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Rules Release of security information. Where the duty drawback exceeds the net duty paid during that period, the net difference shall be applied to sub- sequent periods, provided, that when the duty less drawback exceeds the fee im- posed, any excess duty may be used to reduce fees payable during toe si^bse- quent six months; ^ (II) Where the licensee failed to use, wholly or in part, tlie license issued to him; (III) To the extent that they reflect volume adjustments made subsequent to entries made against the license at the time of importation, e.g., corrections made by the Customs Service of con- tained basic sediment and water; correc- tions of "mistakes made In calculating tank volumes; or corrections of mistakes made in calculating volumes to standard temperature; (Iv) Where the District Director of Customs determines, after entry, that a particular shipment of crude oil, un- finished o Us, or finished products im- ported pursuant to a license for which fees have been paid, should have be^n assessed at a lower fee; (V) To the extent that Imports of crude oil or unfinished oils have been incorporated Into petrochemicals as de- fined In § 213.10 which are subsequently exported, or refined into finished prod- ucts subseqeuntly exported.
Plus, there is a bikini coffee stand called Twin Perks where hot girls work who wear bikinis while they serve you your drive through coffee! Portland is also the home of Club Sesso where you can swing with the best of them.
Duplication or resale without permission is prohibited. National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities: Architecture and Environmental Arts Advisory Panel. (3) In the event the volume of a par- ticular shipment of crude oil, unfinished oils, or finished products being imported pursuant to a license to which a fee is applicable exceeds the volume stated on the license against which the material is being imported by five (5) percent or less the District Director of Customs may permit the entry of the excess without license.
\ ■ Upiversity Microfilms International, Ann Arbor Mich. a uniform system for making available to the pu Wlc regulations and legal iio"CB8 Issued Presldentlaf proclamations and Execu Uve orders and Federal ^«^«y^^f=^^^ ^^^ li effect documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency b* furnished by mall to subscribers, free of postage, for .00 per month or WO P^'l^-f^^^ indl ddual copies U 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cent* lor each group of P*8«« M^«^t^»"y »»^^- m Se SSa^e to The Superintendent of Documen U. 2-3 and 2-4-76 USDA/FS: Malheur National Forest Grazing Advisory Board, 1-27-76 Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Advisory Council; 2-26 and 2-27-76 Miguel District Grazing Advisory Board; 2-10-76...- National Commission on Supplies and Shortages: Na- tional Growth Policy Processes Advisory Committee; 1-29-76 DOD/AF: USAF Scientific Advisory Board ad hoc Com- mittee on the Air Force Advanced ICBM Technology Program; 2-5 and 2-6-76 2266 2267 2268 2283 2269 2269 2283 2265 USAF Scientific Advisory Board Information Processing Panel; 2-20-76 2265 USAF Scientific Advisory Board ad hoc Committee on TOA Sighal Sorting and Processing Techniques; 2-19-76 2265 EPA: State-Federal FIFRA Implementation Advisory Committee Working Group on Certification; 2-18 and 2-19-76 2274 RESCHEDULED MEETING— HEW/CDC: Immunization Practices Advisory Committee; 2-5 and 2-6-76 2270 AMENDED MEETING- HEW: President's Biomedical Research Panel (meeting time change); 2-8 and 2-9-76 2271 CANCELLED MEETINGS— Interior/FS: Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area Ad- visory Council; 2-22 and 2-23-76 2269 USDA/AMS: Shippers Advisory Committee; 1-13-76 2269 J AGRf CULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE Rules Oranges (Navel) grown In Ariz. The importer, however, must wi Uiin ten (10) days of such entry remit pajrment to the Director by certified check or a cashier's check payable to the order of the Treasurer of the United States for the fee due pursuant to this section on the excess entered without license at the rate in effect at the time of Import.
\ \ 2351-' 2287 2251 2229 2226 2343 2359 2331 2232 2356 2235 2347 # (The Items In thla Ust were editorially •Ignlflcance. COMMITTEE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TEXTILE AGREEMENTS Notices Cotton, wool, and man-made fiber products : Republic of China 2272 COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOP- MENT, ASSISTANT SECRETARY Proposed Rules Housing assistance grants: Community development block grants 2347 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT See Air Force Department. (3) With respect to Imports made on or before December 21, 1975.
Since Uils list Is intended u % compiled as an aid to Pkdbbai. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal pemtdw, It doea not Include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) I0T/FAA — Standard instalment apptxjach procedures; cha^iges and additions. DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION Notices Hearing ^ 2273 DISEASE CONTROL CENTER Notices Meetings: Immimization Practices Advi- sory Committee 2270 DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL , BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Notices Scientific articles; duty free en- try: ' ■ National Radio Astronomy Ob- servatory 2270 DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Notices / Applications, etc./ controlled sub- stances : Knoll Pharmaceutical Co 2265 Registrations, actions affecting: Jules F. all supple- mental fees payable imder this Part as In effect on December 21, 1975, shsdl be payable in accordance with this Part as in effect on that date.
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