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In this paper we restrict ourselves to gender recognition, and it is also this aspect we will discuss further in this section.
A group which is very active in studying gender recognition (among other traits) on the basis of text is that around Moshe Koppel. 2002) they report gender recognition on formal written texts taken from the British National Corpus (and also give a good overview of previous work), reaching about 80% correct attributions using function words and parts of speech.
With only token unigrams, the recognition accuracy was 80.5%, while using all features together increased this only slightly to 80.6%. (2014) examined about 9 million tweets by 14,000 Twitter users tweeting in American English.
They used lexical features, and present a very good breakdown of various word types.
However, as any collection that is harvested automatically, its usability is reduced by a lack of reliable metadata.In this case, the Twitter profiles of the authors are available, but these consist of freeform text rather than fixed information fields.And, obviously, it is unknown to which degree the information that is present is true.172 For Tweets in Dutch, we first look at the official user interface for the Twi NL data set, Among other things, it shows gender and age statistics for the users producing the tweets found for user specified searches.These statistics are derived from the users profile information by way of some heuristics.