Teenage girls and boys dating
Infatuation may give us butterflies, goose bumps, and that “can’t eat, can’t sleep” type of feeling, but it isn’t the same as love.Love takes time to grow, whereas infatuation may happen almost instantly.Explain that a healthy relationship comes from respect, mutual understanding, trust, honesty, communication, and support.A relationship should consist of healthy boundaries that are established and respected by both partners equally.For many, raising a teenager is the most intimidating chapter of parenthood.
A healthy relationship also allows both partners to maintain outside interests and friendships, and does not hinder the personal freedom of either partner.” rather than automatically assuming your teen has a preference for the opposite sex.Deliver this language with genuine openness and love.It’s tough to know when to set rules and when to give freedom, when to bend and when to stand firm, when to intervene and when to let live.Communication is often one of the trickiest minefields to navigate.
While it may be tempting to skip this conversation, it’s in everyone’s best interests to talk to your teen about sex.