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Posted by / 19-Feb-2020 12:55

Except for the back panel, which is formed of stainless steel panels, the three other sides of the kiosk make extensive use of glass with two large window panels set above and beneath a slim, black plastic modesty panel, with black plastic trim around the windows.With the exception of the back panel, the sides of the kiosk stop short of the ground to provide ventilation.The KX kiosks were introduced at a rate of 5,000 a year with the BT network reaching 137,000 kiosks by 1999.

The first, the KX100, was the most commonly installed variant of a new series of kiosks.In 1984 control of the public telephone network was assumed by the newly privatised British Telecom.The network inherited from the General Post Office (GPO) included K1 and K2 kiosks dating back to the 1920s.It has been available almost since the introduction of the public telephone system in the late 19th century, in a form mostly unchanged to the normal user despite the introduction of Touch-Tone dialing, electronic telephone exchanges and fiber-optic communication into the public switched telephone network (PSTN).While POTS provides limited features, low bandwidth and no mobile capabilities, it provides greater reliability than other telephony systems (mobile phone, Vo IP, etc.).

This promised to modernise the network with a series of new kiosks, prefixed with the letters 'KX'.