Tips for using online dating sites
' I didn't know what to say to that, so I told him my friends were at the back of the bar, which they were.I never went out with him again." For Allison, that night was the beginning of series of dating travails.As your heart protector, here are some common sense safety tips when you think he’s different: First, meet in a public place.There is safety in numbers and meeting for the first time in a restaurant or coffee shop would provide enough witnesses should the date turn sour.Because some women felt an instant chemistry and even a spiritual connection with me, as if they had known me all their life…“he’s different so he must be safe.” Well the good news is that I was and am safe and so are most guys.However, is it really worth taking the risk for the 1-2% who might be dangerous?
My experiences and understanding the way men think and act has allowed me to share my wisdom to help women who are single and looking.The worst thing is to be reliant on somebody else for transportation as it gives them the control on how long you spend together and let’s face it, it’s safer to have your own car just in case. This may be obvious, but alcohol creates bad judgement and I have known too many women who have said yes to coming to my home after a few drinks.Now remember, I’m a safe guy and so are most; however, alcohol impairs our senses and the last thing you want to say in the morning is, “Why did I do that?Reflecting back to when I was single and looking after my divorce, I’m shocked at how easily a woman WHO I DID NOT KNOW would invite me to her home (having never met me before) after a few chats via phone/email/text.It was kinda easy to WOO and WOW women on the phone and they not only thought me safe, they felt an almost unique connection with me.
"The bar scene was always about ' Hey baby, you're hot' after a few drinks." Though once considered the sole province of the nerdy and socially challenged, online dating has come a long way.