Ubuntu updating kernel intercultural dating in america

Posted by / 28-Feb-2020 01:56

Considering that the Linux 4.0 kernel has a completely new method of handling the likes of touchpads, I thought it might be a good idea to undertake the upgrade.

Now, if you remember, I had similar dealings with this when I upgraded my desktop from Ubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 (see my post "Tweak your touchpad to taste in Linux"), but since stepping away from Ubuntu, I assumed the issues that caused me to need to tweak the touchpad in the first place were gone. So, in order to get around the problems, I found myself having to upgrade the Elementary OS Freya kernel to the 4.x release.

In other words, you won't be seeing 4.x kernel updates in the built-in Software Updater application. Believe it or not, the process is incredibly simple.

Here are the steps: Download the necessary packages with the following commands (run from a terminal window): For 32-bit systems to ensure you are in fact running the 4.0.5 kernel.

Upgrading the Linux kernel is something just about any user can do.

If you're wanting to get some of the improvements of the latest, greatest 4.x kernel, and you're running a distribution that is holding tight to the 3.x release, give these instructions a try and see if your Linux machine doesn't enjoy a bit more 4.x freedom.

The system must have network connectivity and access to an Ubuntu update server.

Recently, I'd noticed some shenanigans going on with my installation of Elementary OS Freya.

Bluetooth had become erratic and certain apps had started to bog down.

The following steps will guide you through updating an Ubuntu Linux Server 16.04 LTS system.

The update process can take some time to complete and some steps may take longer than others.

This is a serious boon for server admins, but it does require a bit more work than most desktop users are willing to go through.

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