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Posted by / 21-Jan-2020 14:54

I was asked to attend a side meeting at the NCR building in Augsburg.I decided to drive myself from the Munich Marriott to the meeting and asked for directions.We had no difficulty visiting Flak Kaserne as the gates were open.At that time there were very few troops remaining at Flak and the hospital had been converted to an office building.Fate does take some very unusual turns as we go through life and business has taken me back to Augsburg on many occasions.The first came in about 1990 when I was in Munich on business.

It’s part true, more Swedish women are interested in foreign men than they are in other Swedes.

I’m a girl, an American-Indian girl, and therefore am not Swedish.

But I have a few Swedish girlfriends and they all have opinions of their fellow male counterparts. Swedish guys have done a good job of losing their balls over the years, part thanks to feminism, part thanks to super tight jeans that served as self castrating devices.

I was stationed at Gablingen with the 2nd BG, 2nd Inf.

and shared many of the experiences that others commented on.

We went out to Gablingen and found that it was a tightly guarded US Army Intel unit.