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Posted by / 21-Dec-2019 13:42

And as long as you’re in their house and under their care, they are your authority.

Here’s more shocking news: so is your potential boyfriend or girlfriend.

That seed comes up much later in their marriage where someone better looking comes along, when they realize the feelings aren’t there like they were, or when they just tire of the relationship. Lewis described our desires like this: “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.

Because there’s such a long history and pattern of breaking commitments, it makes it that much easier to end a marriage. Treating your marriage like an 8th grade romance is like being offered an opportunity for the finest filet mignon at the nicest restaurant and passing on it because you have a coupon for Denny’s. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.

Unfortunately, I think this happens too often in dating relationships.

In your teen years, it’s important to learn to build friendships with members of the opposite sex.Building these friendships allows you to learn how the other sex thinks, responds, what their needs are, and how God has uniquely wired them – without the interference of romance or hormones.3) Wait until you’re mature enough to handle a big commitment (marriage) When I was a kid we successfully talked our parents into letting us get a dog.By Scott Douglas As a student minister, one of the hardest areas for me to have influence in teenagers’ lives is with their dating choices.I have had many instances where a student has brought so many boyfriends or girlfriends to youth events that I begin to lose track of who they’re dating now.

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