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Posted by / 27-Oct-2019 23:05

Here Is a bo* m- Half the country durtipn suspended Noii-r*entl M) pu Industrial pro' r users Dvr hour* dully nr and trollc -b a LAKE SUCCESS. t stating that lhe Commission should "Ninety-tight pei cent of Queens- innke such requests only in the event wood resident* and B8 per cent of there v as reason to believe that Gordon Head resident* have signed | examination of condemned ‘persons petitions protesting application of | would Assist the Commission in its jpe airpark memorial group for re- work ronlng of the category of 57.5 acre* Todays ruling «b made at the in lhe Gordon Head area," he de- ' request of lhe Commission, which clared risked for clarification of It* powers He said information that signa- after the Greek Government hod t ur ps from Ten Mile Point and Cad- proteated against what It called In- boro Bay protesting in a similar would be in the hand* of inspector^ Immigration officer ana police officials before planes could come down on a new airpark IV. Pltrhford said that 67 per cent of all air accidents occurred at landing and taking off arid that property within seven mile* of the airport would depreciate In value. Devers explained noi accompany him on lhe northern Inspection trip ns of the British Gove a representative of t Army * Qiwrterma* British explorer hu In the dr ment. Box PARKER **51” PEN AND PENCIL SETS SJK 21.00 27.00 VALENTINE CARDS General, humorout.

were very •s to point* ('ll in a Dollar Tokos Din list overdue directed fifth column " In a letter U» Attorney General Turn Clark, committee chairman J, Parnell Thomas i Rep.-NJ. Plus tax) 98c Gifts From Our Stationery Dcparlmcnl 1.49 IMPORTED STATIONERY Dainty floral spray on each «hr Pink.

Mr Wlncli replied "I will experiment with the ap- paratus, but at present I am against New the King. Most of the grilse were caught off Whittaker's Point near the B. by L Weather Forecasts East Coast of Vancouver Inland — Overcast with inlermiuent rain. aperlally m»«ie to relieve you quickly nf piercing. wa M«rr rotsr asi «~a h **i rhousan-l* can cut down on laxative doaing i Km Carter way Aak fnr Carter'a Pilla by nam* to get th* genuine at an dnipinr»-f R 70*, 11.00.

Prime Mln Utrr Attlee announced In the House of Commons today It will be given for *peclflc service in Java. In charge of dragging operations, said last night an area of more than seven acres had been covered before the body of Leonurd was located. Thom a- and David had gone to the lake Saturday morn- they there was no *igu two boys. 10 Harry Gilbert reported, grilse fishing fair ' on Sunday. Chester and party, 17 fish: Roy Smith and party 17; Ted Adams. Light southeast wind* with little change In temperature. *-io MENTH0LATUH C..e% COWEORT A closed season this year for wil- low and blue grouse and pheasant* all over the Island will be recom- mended by Vancouver Island Farm- ers’ Institute when the Provincial Advisory Board of Farmers' Insti- tute holds It* annual convention here next week. •ta Mung pain and dull, tfirohlung achea ( ,unded prop- Grvc tbc children their beloved ice cream, bom* made, with half the bother, half (he fuu — using oaly the lightest cereal cream or top milk, flavoring and “JUNK rr RENNET TABLETS. Start tk Carter gradated doa* met Kod lonigh' AW too Mirrva ratin' tug'. in a wide choice of top handle, pouch, xipper top and underarm styles.

One fact: the dole wma buck 0, i Japanese flaying Labof Minister Tells H shillings 1 64 80' for a man. Candies flickered in rooms Division werr Canedlan-bom and 630 wrrr | * among naturalised Canadian*. Another • Edward 1 group described as “United States ukon, 31; land ln»er-wed~ numbers 120 lhe fl SAS- j of Eton College in the aln- 1 Uter-looklng pubs of LJmehmjae. members split on the vote, but all Social Credit supporters voted with the Government Study of the control bills was preceded by a .statement by Jmtue Minister Us ley in which he *uid the Government planned to seek through tl»* bills the extension of specific wartime etwiiro U for ap- proxlmatety on* year Specifically. Tyndall Road, starting at 8 o'clock at which a Progressive Conservative Association will be formed All Interested resi- dents of the district have been in- vited (o attend. He will address the club on “Travels In the Highlands of Scotland Arthur Stringer and James Math- ew, n will also take part In the pro- gram. iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii “Build B. At the school expert* in trolling and gill -netting succeeded In nine week* in teaching veterans the fun- damentals of catching salmon The course starts wltlj elementary navigation, fishing methods, con- servation and preservation of fish and maintenance of tackle. Kenneth 8tevens and Charles Lees More and more people are finding out the added goodness that Pa- cific Milk packs into every vacuum tin. A large number of the reaolutions, as in past years, call for highway and local road Improvements in the respective districts.

disclosed 2 No P r o v I n c I a 1 tjovernmeni* showing have asked for the removal of Jap- ** anese brought Into their territories oltimbia ftam British Columbia during the I tabled | war. In the cavernous rooms, of the Foreign Office Everybody made the *ame remark — "at least the candlelight gleaming through the windows Is picturesque. ** A tea shop cashier gave the answer; "You ought to try making change by the blinking things." Through the slush In the Chel- ses section of London three men pushed baby earrtage* loaded with sacks of coal . lv« that d Par- liament met in November oi Decem- ber of this year the deadline would be December 31. ON FACT-FINDING TO IK from the recommend that space for the use of the commission in Uie ort-upied b iff TOftr former! ASK LOAN OF PAINTINGS Victoria residents who own in- teresting painting* 'are being asked to co-operate in. They prefer Pacific's smooth, creamy, rich texture . More than 130 resolutions have | been listed for discussion when the board opens Its three-day conven- tion in the Legislative Buildings next Monday William Harrison, Kamloops.

Feb 10 * -Secre- , tary of the Interior Krug *aid to- night that suggestions for nettling from 700,000 to 2.000.000 displaced 1 person* of Central Europe In Alaska 1 -are fantastic and Irresponsible." Krug, tn an addrew before the Inland Preas Association, said such | a settlement program would be "a disservice both to the Immigrant European*, to the Alasknn* now resident, and to the people of the present 48 state'." "I would like to ace a real refuge provided for the suffering people of Europe." Krug said, “but It won't , work in Alaska on a scale ol 200.000 or 2.000.000 more people. F They are Lawrence Westinghou&e, muiui Rlng director of the company, and his brother, Aubrey, aecretury. Five plane* are on order and the brother* are taking step* to en- sure year- "Hind flying Plan* call I for two 4-place Benbee*. and one Fairchild, an inada Loans 1 me Amounts manner the committee within a week. Penman contended that pres- ent airport Incilltles were sufficient lor the next 50 year* “without sac- rificing established property value.; In the Cadboro Bay area." M. Bill, president of Ward 3 Ratepayer*' Association, cunlcndcd that the Dominion Government OTTAWA Feb 10 i CP' Canada had advanced 6540 000.000 of her loan to Britain by lhe Demons tn* ton jeered in front of the United State*. Which strip* that country of her colonies and a Urge portion of Venenla Olulta at the head of the Adriatic, was *ignrd at a morning session In the brll- llantly-Hghled rrd and gold Bnlon iip f.

hgvr Mlve [ of the Japanese remaining In eskdown Canada. Seven machine shope In the In- dustrial Midland* kept going de- spite the lack of electric power. 10 — An armed bandit held up the Globe Finance Company In midtown Spo- kane Just at closing time today and escaped with 6250 but missed more than 62.000 ipore which was pushed In a drawer by a quick -thin king cashier. Williams, attractive 23- year -old cashier, said she saw Lhe man flash a gun and quickly •cooped up a stack of bills from the money tray and bid them tn a , drawer. C., n I l v ‘ k ' i Pennsylvania Railroad freight trains for which he *u charged ad- ditionally with malicious mischtef. Pauteux said It was not valid because tin agri- cultural committee wav not yet established Th« division was followed by a statement by Prtme Minister Mac- kenzto King that he would adjourn the debate until the committee was establlahe.l Then. but If Parliament did not meet until HNS u would be the Wth day after the opening of Parliament or March 31. Christensen said French told him he had been with Mrs. of Redondo ; Beach, Califs son of the woman by | it previous marriage to David Y Wruther, Texas oil man, collapsed I lit the police station when told of j his mother's death. .speaker at the regular monthly inert int; of the Burns Club of Vic- toria. a loon exhibition lo Or launched 'at the Llltle Centre. •/ booth Vancouver Inland Womens Institutes Golden Jubilee Tea. wl U be chairman of the conference until a ne* slate of officers Is elected.

Mr Mitchell said, by far follows: the majority are Canadian -bom. They hitched borrowed tractors to the power belting W arrior Crew Donate Blood VANCOUVER, Feb 10 CIO.— The visit of the aircraft carrier RMCS Warrior here has turned out to be a voyage of mercy as well a# good- will Red Croaa officials announced today that more than 100 crew members volunteered to give blood to the Red Croaa Wood bank "as a gift of mercy lo the patient* of Vancouver* hospital*. Itorui *•" M»dlr|n« I Ltiiibrt Sf* c*ig*r7 c amir* ( albert-on on Bridge Editorial* tlnanre Radio Program. Militia Pension Aet Measure ar Controls Bill to Extend 1 Brings First Vote of Se Oil Ulon by Speaker Gaspard Fuuteux ruling out of order an Oppoaliioo oi Mto D cipals In some him “If I could figure out a way to get jurisdiction over thesr nosy Inter- ferers." he said, “they'll go to the county Jal L" NEW TORk. 10 «CP)-- Wlito a recent of 19 pound* * person last year, the lotted Mates out- rival— Hcsn- PLAN TO ATTEND THE , lined at continuing rlaaaetl IU nearrst n* purpose*, an extension allow, a aurujg w war In the urae for the payment of frlimds under thr Cuatoms Act. 1M8 Whichever data Is Uu earlier At tha Uoure opening. Laurent tabled copies of the final text* of the p- uc treaties with the Europe on Axl- coffee drinking chsmpionahlp. French late Sunday night, about six hours before the time au- topsy surgeons said site was kicked Capt. She had played small roles In mo- a registered nurse, but police said they were able to Identify her by flngerprlnu made when she was ar- I rested on a drunk charge. March 4 to March 20 Pictures by hue nutt tonally known | artists In ml and wa Terrd Tor, as well a* etchings and drawings, arc being school bo ar d. Gavel wa* bom In Regina The picture*, were taken ln M Dfcttmbn when Warrior was in waters off. A R Hlscock will b** Vancouver Is- land and Gulf Iklands delegate, and | others attending the conference will be Oeorgr Vrandon, Skeena and Bulkley: T.

The student* got as far a* the third floor, where a Yugoslav soldier fired a burst through a door with an automatic rifle. Instead of being shaved and ducked by mythical "King Nep- tune" and - Queen Amph! Dtttde how muk lui rcvoii- .ddi-ratlon of Ha claims that munici- palities should. a Idral far •nrklaf b*l«»*n lh* r*»l • Cloaa aad fatl talllrailaa. organise, systematise Later hours call for care, diplomacy In dealings I with others. "We had a swell time.- 2 What is the correct pronuncia- tion of "projectile? - Mishap Takas Lives Two in Rowboat The body of Leonard H Stark. was found lat-r yesterday afternoon, Pro- vincial Police reported Dragging operniiuns for the body ing to work on several acres of land recently purchased by the family^ Early in the afternoon Leonard and Thomas went out In the small bout, reccn Lly purchased at au auc- tion sale fur David returned to the Sturks lakeside cabin for a drink of water. The financial i statement showed a balance of 144 ! Final arrangements were made for I the Valentine's Dance. A fesolu- | Mon from the Island Institute says ‘ the Government should either krrp the elk In confinement or pay the farmers for damage.

An unconfirmed report said that one student was killed tn the de- monstrations. O » eh 16 V — unofficial world altitude record for helicopter* of 18.500 feel was wl today by Ms J Kriml i#l*;. trite." they had their faces powdered with giant puffs. ricrt»« a 'hare ot gasoline amusement and racing (axes, the- niuvdr added. Handicraft and com- petition poster display sponsored by Women* Institute.* Demonstra- tions of weaving, spinning, leather wqrk. if February 11 Is Your Birthdate: Many happy returns, ranmus per- ; Better English | conceru. He heard cries for help, and look- ing out' 6vor' the lake saw Leonard ■ j 4 / 4 f*ft OU« BIO 1447 SIID AND NURSERY BOON - God* Aga.n „ DOMINION SEED MOUSE. A letter : from the Students' Council, asking for a donation towards the making 1 of two tennis courts, was tabled for consideration at the next meeting. Harry Nichols, as- j sisted by Elmer Lee and Bob How- ' GANGES. The board will undoubtedly g»j on 1 record once again as opposing day- light saving time.

Other council members urged ne- cessity of careful study of the en- tire plan before any definite action l* taken. ra»» • i*ui Hour*- I to % Daily — f la 133* Saturday last Tuesday, the commission agreed on n new salary schedule for poiftt- rnen from the rank of probationer to sergeant and detective. Indians called Wickaninmsh At one time the late Sir Malcolm Campbell was reported to he seriously considering the location in an atiempt to set a world's speed record with his racing car. Warner, and the Lao ui them Jumped Into another bout and pro- Busy at Nanaimo A total of 18a power saw operators „„ , were- turned out lost year from the “J. mio , „ w „ .,,,'unc KI capri zed of either of the of Thomas continued until dark, but with no results The search will continue today. was the holder of several British Columbia Junior and senior swimming cham- pionships. swimming club, army father In the piano-tuning business. Feb 10.- At the annual mec Ung of Salt Spring Island Athle- tic Club in Mahon Hall. 10 Harry I /I V I I J L l YIl LIN RETIRED CARPENTER DIES NANAIMO. a retired carpenter and resident of Nanaimo 40 years, died today in Nanaimo Hospital. thin motorioi 14 Informed J» Bitdino knot ' M To run out | Ji Rrmatntnf , M To vooh , 34 Polled to folio oult i Houken - 31 Capitol nf lot- 1 to Woman ■ natural ond or Ttter 4| Aquat Ulerfd 4* CTJ Of «o Pootliko port 47 Ttmhor 44 ro'itrlte 40 Anaor M I* o Me to »1 Note of •coir Chapped Shin Meotbolotaoi -“••hr. I chiefly dlrrcted towartl* greater en- | couragement of hunting of pre- I animals Several Institutes | have asked that bounties be raised i’-o $50 on wolves, $40 on cougar* and $6 on coyote*. Plastic and Leatherette Handbags (rued- looking handhag in hei u- vorite (and fashion's, too) plastic .

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